Additional working capital can be a game-changer for small businesses. It enables them to accelerate growth, overcome cash flow challenges, and navigate economic uncertainties. By strategically using working capital, businesses can set the stage for long-term success and sustainable growth. Seizing Opportunities Every business encounters opportunities for expansion, whether it’s scaling operations, launching new products, […]
Running a small business requires the owner to often times work long hours everyday, to handle almost all of the day-to-day tasks, and having to sacrifice their weekends and time with their families or friends. If this is a continuous trend, the business owner will almost certainly begin to start feeling overworked or burnt out, […]
Tips to Improving Credit Score As a small business owner, it is important to understand that your credit score measures your ability to manage debt. This is especially important if you are in need of a business loan or any other form of financing. In the eyes of lending sources, the higher your score is, […]
Common obstacles for small business owners and tips to overcoming them. Small business owners are faced with various obstacles while running their companies from cash flow issues to time management, among others. Below are several common issues faced by small businesses and tips regarding how to best overcome them unscathed. Natural disasters and other interruptions […]
Learn about the advantages of alternative lending for small businesses, including term loans, merchant cash advances, business lines of credit,Advantages of Alternative Lending Approximately 80 percent of small businesses that apply for a loan from a traditional bank are rejected. Small businesses are commonly hindered by constraints such as insufficient assets to pledge, smaller […]